Our Story...

The Bible is the expression of God's eternal love for all people. From Genesis to Revelation, God reveals his message of salvation. Chapter by chapter, the full work of Jesus Christ is unfolded. 

Jesus became a servant so that in perfect obedience, he could could take the punishment for our sins to the cross. He suffered for the sins of the entire world for all time and then rose victoriously from death. He lives and rules! He loves us eternally!

His story is OUR STORY. It is the story of OUR salvation . . . The story of God's eternal love!

"I have loved you with an everlasting love."
(Jeremiah 31:3)

"God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish, but have eternal life."
(John 3:16)

Your Story...

Now, what is your story? Have you done the traditional church thing before without much success?  Have you stumbled along the way? Have you thought of getting back in touch with God? 

Maybe your faith is solid and you want a place where you can plug-in with like-minded people and make an impact. Are you done with the same-old, same old? Looking for something new, creative and energizing?  

Come see us. Put us to the test! See how we encourage, challenge, and love you with God's Eternal-Love.

Next Steps...


Worship Times
Both Online & In Person

Sundays- 8:00am & 10:45am
(Live-streamed at 8:00am)

Mondays- 6:30pm
(no service on Memorial Day or Labor Day)

Main Campus

Eternal Love Lutheran Church
1011 E. Midway Rd.
Appleton, WI 54915

(920) 749-9744

Music & Worship

We seek to uplift, encourage, and comfort our worshipers as we give glory to our Great and Mighty God.


Meal for a Mission

Who doesn't love a good restaurant meal? Are you willing to skip one meal a month for a mission bigger than yourself? You can assist worthy causes by being part of this simple effort.

Contact us!


We are a family that cares for everyone. We aspire to come along side each other and our community with the love of Jesus. 

Grow Together!

  • Bible Praying Hands - Pexels Footer Prayer(267559)
  • Pastor Pries - childrens devotion
  • Grant - guitar
  • Pastor Backus - Childrens Devotion
  • 4 kids - Pexels Samer Daboul 1815257