Worship Times
Both Online & In Person
Sundays- 8:00am & 10:45am
(Live-streamed at 8:00am)
Mondays- 6:30pm
(no service on Memorial Day or Labor Day)
Eternal Love Lutheran Church
Main Campus
1011 E. Midway Rd.
Appleton, WI 54915
Time: Sundays from 9:25-10:25 am
Location: Eternal Love Lutheran Church — Chapel
Instructor: Pastor Dave Backus
Description: How do the doctrines and truths I have learned over the years apply to my life? This study discusses faith, our motivation, prayer, worship, and our lives as Christian men and women, as we encourage one another and manage God’s gifts, as an expression and confession of faith, and as members of the broader church. Join us in this class as we take a closer look at some of the questions that may have been lurking in the back of your mind over the years.
Course: Enduring Faith
Time: Sundays from 9:25-10:25 am
Location: Eternal Love Lutheran Church — Teen Classroom
Instructor: Varies
Course: Book study of "Esther: Providential Persian Queen" (begins September 18, 2024)
Time: Wednesdays at 1:00 pm
Location: Eternal Love Lutheran Church — Fellowship Hall
Format: Group Discussion
Description: From the publisher: "Esther is the only Bible book that does not mention God by name. Yet, this account is undeniably full of God's providence upon Esther and His chosen people. Author Lou Ann Mokwa invites participants along as she examines Esther's epic saga in this seven-session Bible study. Participants will also be encouraged to trust in God through the hardest circumstances, as Esther did, and to know that his hand is working for their ultimate good."
Course: the catechumen
Time: 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of each month at 6:30 pm (from September 18-November 20)
Location: Eternal Love Lutheran Church — Fellowship Hall
Format: Group Discussion
Description: Throughout the New Testament era, catechumen has been a descriptive term for someone new to Christianity. He or she would receive instruction (catechesis) prior to Christian baptism and/or membership in the church. Here, we use the term in a broader sense. Every Christian man always remains a student of Scripture, even as he matures. We are the catechumen!
Be a part of this gathering of Christian men. This fall we will begin meeting together around God's Word using the latest revision of our Lutheran Catechism (purchase necessary if not already owned). We will read and reflect on the Scriptures as we discuss life in Christ as men who are student ambassadors for him.
Course: Growing in Hope
Time: Varies
Location: Eternal Love Lutheran Church — Classroom
Format: Group Discussion
Description: This Bible information course is an overview of the main teachings of the Bible. Please contact Pastor Backus (Pastor.Backus@eternal-love.org) if you have an interest in this class to learn or review the basics of Christianity or to pursue membership here at Eternal Love.